ProjectWise Explorer Help

Moving Documents

You can move documents by:

  • dragging documents to another folder or work area, with the <Shift> key pressed
  • using Document > Cut (<Ctrl+X>) and then Document > Paste (<Ctrl+V>)
  • using Document > Move To (Move Document dialog)
Note: To be able to move documents, your user settings Document > Can create and Document > Can delete must both be on, and you must have permission to delete documents in the source folder, and permission to create documents in the destination folder (see Folder level document permissions).
Note: For details about moving versions, see Moving Versions.

Moving documents using drag and drop or cut and paste

  1. Select one or more documents, drag them into the destination folder, press the <Shift> key, then release your mouse button.

    This turns drag and drop from a copy operation into a move operation. You will see the "+" symbol (which indicates a copy operation) disappear when you press the <Shift> key.


  2. Select one or more documents and select Document > Cut (<Ctrl+X>), then select the destination folder and select Document > Paste (<Ctrl+V>), and click Yes when prompted, "Do you want to move document(s) here?".
  • If No Wizard is set as the default method for creating documents, and the destination folder does not already contain any documents having the same document name or file name as those being moved, the selected documents are automatically moved to the selected folder.
  • If No Wizard is set as the default method for creating documents, and the destination folder already contains one or more documents having the same document name or file name as those being moved, either ProjectWise will resolve the conflict for you, or you will be prompted to resolve the conflict yourself. See Resolving Document Creation Conflicts.
  • If Advanced Wizard is set as the default method for creating documents, the Advanced Document Creation Wizard opens. See To Create a Document Using the Advanced Document Creation Wizard.
  • If no default method for creating documents is currently set, the Select a Wizard dialog opens. Select No Wizard or Advanced Wizard, click OK, then follow the instructions in the applicable option above.
Note: When you move a document using drag and drop, all of the document's attributes and audit trail records copy with it.
Note: If the datasource is configured to allow documents with versions to be moved, you can either select just the active version, or you can select the active version and all its non-active versions. If you select a document and all its versions, then they are all moved as soon as you drag and drop them to the target folder. If you only select the active version, an information window opens informing you that you have selected to move a document that has versions, and that if you proceed, the selected document and all of its non-selected versions will be moved.

Moving a document using the Move Document dialog

Document > Move To can only be used to move one document at a time, and is especially recommended for situations when you want to control whether or not attributes from the source document are copied over to the new document.

Note: To use the Move Document dialog, No Wizard must be set as the default method for creating documents in the Wizard Manager dialog (Tools > Wizard Manager).
  1. Select a document.
  2. Select Document > Move To.

    The Move Document dialog opens. The document you selected to move is displayed in the Source Document section. The Folder, Document Name, Description, and File Name properties in the Destination Document section are pre-populated with those of the selected document.

  3. In the Move Options section, do the following:
    1. If you do not want the file that is attached to the source document to be copied over to the new document, turn off Move File.

      This option is on by default if the source document has a file attached. If there is no file attached, the option is disabled.

    2. If you do not want the source document's attribute values to be copied over to the new document, turn off Move Attributes.

      This option is on by default if the source document's folder is associated to an environment. If the source folder is not associated to an environment, the option is disabled.

      When Move Attributes is on and the destination folder shares the same environment as the source folder, attribute values will be kept when the document is moved. When Move Attributes is on and the destination folder does not share the same environment as the source folder, attribute values will be kept for the attributes that are the same in both environments, otherwise the attribute values will be lost.

      Note: The option, Move Document Versions, is always going to be disabled on the Move Document dialog, whether or not the datasource is configured to allow documents with versions to be moved. If you select a document with versions and the datasource allows you to move documents with versions, then when you click OK, the selected document and all its versions will be moved to the target folder. If you select a document with versions and the datasource does not allow you to move documents with versions, then when you click OK, you will receive an error message informing you that you cannot move documents that have versions.
  4. In the Destination Document section, do the following:
    1. Set the destination folder (the folder to which the document will be moved).

      Click Select to change the destination folder.

    2. (Optional) Change the document name, description, and file name as needed.

      By default, the destination document is set to have the same document name, description, and file name of the source document.

      You can keep the existing document name and file name, as long as there is not already a document in the destination folder that has the same document name or file name. A description for the document is optional.

      Tip: Turn on the lock icon and check box next to the Document Name field (document name locking feature) if you want the file name to be the same as the document name (editing the document name will automatically change the file name). Turn off the check box if you want to edit the file name independently of the document name.
  5. Click OK.

    The dialog closes and the document is moved to the destination folder.